
people vs walls, pt 2

The combination of a beautiful wall and a beautiful person is a great one. Positioning people in front of striking patterned or textured walls for black and white portraits can yield gorgeous results. But I have discovered that there are other ways to incorporate walls into portraits. For example, instead of positioning the subject in front of the wall, why not place them in the wall?

We were in Koko Black in the city, sitting upstairs by one of the stunning semi-circle windows that looks out over Royal Arcade's classic black and white tiled floor. The room's dark wooden and leather decor radiates a winter comfort, incorporating a lot of irresistable deep brown floral wallpaper. It's elegant, and it's warm. And it matches my mum perfectly - visually and figuratively.

I have taken other photos of people in walls, which have been highly successful for the most part. I may post them another time. But for now this photo stands on its own. For several reasons I feel this is one of the best and most unique images my Holga has produced. And so it is, as it is, as it should be.

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